Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Birthday!

234 years ago on November 10, 1775, delegates from the Continental Congress met in a bar called Tun Tavern in Philadelphia. After, I'm sure, several pints, followed by numerous alcohol induced brawls, they decided to form what is now known as the United States Marine Corps. Marines have been brawling in bars around the world ever since.
You would be hard pressed to find an organization with more camaraderie and pride in their traditions that the Marines. Every year, each Marine Unit organizes their own Birthday Ball. There is a ceremonial cake cutting where the youngest and oldest Marines present are recognized. This represents the passing on of knowledge and tradition to the younger generation. There is usually a guest speaker, and of course dinner and dancing. It's a great time to get together and celebrate the honor of being a Marine. Incidentally, I've spent most of my Marine Corps Balls organizing the rides for the inebriated Marines.
Marines are known by several names: Devil Dog (given to us by the Germans from the word "Teufel Hunden"), Leatherneck (Marines wore a leather strap around their necks during the Revelutionary War to protect from sword wounds), and jarhead (used the describe the high and tight cut that most Marines sport.

Evolution of Marine recruiting posters.

The biggest question that I get from people is "Why did you join the Marines instead of one of the other services?" I've spent a lot of time pondering this question and have come to one conclusion. Have you SEEN our commercials? They are, by FAR, the coolest of all the services. We get to battle dragons and still look the best in our uniforms. Needless to say, I never even saw a dragon during my tenure let alone had the chance to slay one. I did look good in my uniform though ('DID' being the operative word). In all seriousness, I joined the Marines because if I was ever going to be sent into combat, I wanted to go with the best.

So, if you know a Marine, make a point to wish him or her "Happy Birthday" every November 10th. You will make their day.
If this doesn't make you want to join up, I don't know what will.
Here's the Dragon one. Well... it was cool in the 90's.
 And the Best!!!

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