Friday, February 19, 2010

On Kicking Animals

You know that little voice in your head that tells you shouldn't kick animals? Well, this same voice is telling me that I need to start writing something. I guess blogspot is a good place to start.

Someone told me once (it was either my mom, or my Senior Drill Instructor Ssgt Ramsey) that, when your mouth is open, your brain is on display. I guess this is the risk you take when you blog. I hope I don't scare anyone away.


  1. I tell my students that constantly, but I don't take credit for its origin. It may have originated from the senior couple on my mission, The Fisher's, who also told me, "If you can't improve upon silence, don't break it."

  2. See the thing about a blog is, ya gotta write.

  3. Yo Tag! Coming with my defibrilator! Stand clear!!!

  4. there's no reason to force it. only write if you got something worth saying. We're waiting eagerly.

  5. Thanks for the support Tom. Right now, I am trying to decide if I really have anything important enough to write. Stay tuned.
